Deadly Alliance Banner

Welcome to Deadly Alliance, a free and digital-only Baldur's Gate 3 general zine featuring the characters from this incredible game!

5/20/24 UpdateWe are now formatting the final zines!Please stay tuned for an official announcement of this zine's release date~


Due to the nature of the source material, this project is only open to people 18 years of age and older.We will be releasing two PDF zines: one main zine rated Mature with potentially some canon-typical gore and horror, and one side zine with an explicit NSFW (not safe for work) rating. We are also hoping to have a selection of digital merchandise.This zine will focus only on canon characters in the canon setting of the game including all variations of endings.There will be spoilers for the entire game, so please be aware of this before joining.Contributors will be free to contribute towards both zines, but please keep in mind that artists may only submit two pieces (or one 2-page comic) while writers are limited to two 1.5k word short stories (or one 3k word story).


Interest Check OpensNov 1, 2023
Interest Check ClosesNov 27, 2023
Contributor Apps OpenDec 4, 2023
Contributor Apps CloseJan 8, 2024
Results Sent ByJan 15, 2024
Check in #1Feb 26, 2024
Check in #2Mar 18, 2024
Check in #3Apr 29, 2024
Final Check inMay 20, 2024
Zine ReleaseMid-June 2024 (TBD)


Q: What is a digital zine?A: A digital zine is a collection of art and writing organized into a downloadable PDF. We plan to release ours for free, which means anyone will be allowed to download it once it is complete.Q: If I am almost 18, can I join this zine?A: Anyone who is 18 years old before January 8th, 2024 (the end of our contributor application period) is allowed to join the zine.Q: How many contributors will you be accepting to this zine?A: We will be accepting no more than 50 contributors, due to the mods having time and availability constraints. We are hoping to have a fairly equal spread between art and writing.Q: Is having a Baldur's Gate piece in my portfolio a requirement?A: No, having a Baldur's Gate related piece in your portfolio is not required.Q: Will you be sending responses to everyone who applied?A: Yes, we will be contacting everyone who submits an application to be a contributor.Q: Will OCs/Tavs/Durge be allowed in this zine?A: No, we will not have any OCs, Tavs, or depictions of Durge in this zine. We will be focusing only on the canon NPCs and companions!Q: Is depicting the albino dragonborn Durge allowed?A: No. We will not be including depictions the dragonborn Durge, as we would like this zine to focus on BG3's companions and main NPC characters.Q: Which characters will be in the zine? Will there be a limit to how many people can make art/writing for one character?A: We plan to include as many NPCs as people are interested in seeing! For now, we are aiming to represent the 6 origin companions, the other companions who can join your camp, and a few of the important/popular NPCs such as Kar’niss and the Chosen Three. If you want to draw a character not included in this list, please feel free to pitch them to us in your contributor application! We will have a write-in section for any character we did not list.
In addition, we will put a soft limit on the number of submissions per character. In your acceptance email, we will list which character we accepted you for from your pitches. The piece you create should feature that character prominently, but you are allowed to include other characters if you’d like!
Q: Will you allow any shipping in this zine?A: Shipping between canon adult characters will be allowed in any combination.


Mod Ren


I’m an artist with chronic zine-making disease and unfortunately it’s terminal.

Mod Ellory


Ellory is a freelance writer, zine creator and recipe creator who found Baldur’s Gate 3 by accident and they’re incredibly excited to be helping with this project!

Mod Meow


Meow is a merch artist inspired by their favorite games and obsessed with their DND ocs!

Mod Aru


Comic artist and monster lover, I adore dark fantasy and scifi and have too many ocs!

Mod Plot


I love complicated and buff women and wet little meow meows of men. A writer and pro-DM with Too Many feelings.

Mod Crow


I'm a DND fiend with a penchant for characters that are absolutely pathetic. Writer, musician, creator of too many OCs.

Mod nmlopez


Visual Designer who loves games and making zines :^)